Symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, cramping, and abdominal pain are an indication that things are not moving through the digestive tract efficiently.

The root cause of many digestive issues is often chronic stress, improper diet, poor sleep habits, and other lifestyle issues.
Acupuncture helps by balancing the gut-brain axis and the nervous system to reduce stress, which in turn improves digestive function. One of the side effects of an overactive sympathetic nervous system is decreased digestive function.
Acupuncture also help reduce pain and inflammation which helps regulate stomach acid and promote peristalsis.
Chinese herbs are often used for digestive issues, either alone or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. They are taken internally and work to adjust digestion like food supplements or diet modification. Common herbs like ginger and liquorice can help improve digestion and have been used for hundreds of years by many cultures around the world.
Together, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help with the following digestive issues (and others):
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Crohn’s disease
Acid reflux
Ulcerative colitis
More Information
For more information or to schedule a free phone consultation please call 01387 951187